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Police Chief Search Committee December 12, 2005
Police Chief Search Committee                   Present:        Joseph Pane
December 12, 2005                                                       Jodi Ross
                                                                        James Anker
                                                                        Stanley Wysocki
                                                                        Kimberly Denaro
                                                                        Eric Schartner
                                                                        Robert Minardi
                                                                        Brian Lynch
                                                                        Cathy Giunta

The Police Chief Search Committee met at 6:30 p.m. in the Private Dining Room of the International Golf Course at 159 Ballville Road.   The minutes from November 17, 2005 were read and approved.  Mr. Steven Unsworth of BadgeQuest was present for this meeting.

Mr. Unsworth provided the Committee with the ratings for the 98 resumes received based on review of the resumes by the Police Chief Search Committee members.  Mr. Unsworth proposed that the Committee choose approximately 20 applicants to move on to the next phase of the police chief search and send thank you letters to the remaining applicants telling them that they would no longer be considered.  Ms. Ross stated that she felt letters telling candidates they would no longer be considered should only be sent to the disqualified applicants at this time leaving the other applicants as a possibility just in case the Committee found it necessary later on in the process to go back and look at other resumes of those not disqualified. The Committee reviewed the draft letter for those that will not be invited to continue the process..  Mr. Unsworth and Mr. Pane agreed to draft a letter to be sent to those applicants that may be considered later on in the process.   

The Committee reviewed the ratings of each applicant and chose 19 top candidates, one which will be contacted for further clarification of their resume as it appeared that the Search Committee’s minimum qualifications had not been met.   Mr. Unsworth provided his insight on the top candidates chosen.  

On a motion made by Pane and seconded by Lynch, the Committee voted to allow a courtesy interview of the applicant if it was determined the applicant did not meet the minimum requirements. (Joseph Pane – yes, Jodi Ross – yes, James Anker –yes, Kimberly Denaro –yes, Eric Schartner – yes, Robert Minardi – yes, Brian Lynch – yes, Cathy Giunta – yes, Stanley Wysocki – no)  

On a motion made by Lynch and seconded by Ross, the Committee voted to have Police Chief Search Committee Chairman Joseph Pane contact the applicant for further clarification of the resume.  (Joseph Pane – yes, Jodi Ross – yes, James Anker –yes, Stanley Wysocki – yes,  Kimberly Denaro –yes, Eric Schartner – yes, Brian Lynch – yes, Cathy Giunta – yes, Robert Minardi – no)

The Committee reviewed the letter and list of questions to be sent to the top candidates.  The questions were narrowed down to a total of seven.  The applicants will be sent the letter and questions which should be returned by Wednesday, January 4, 2006.   

The next meeting will be held on Monday, January 9th at 6:30 p.m. at IGC at which time the Committee will review responses of the top candidates.   Interviews will be conducted on Saturday, January 21, 2006 beginning at 8:30 a.m.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Police Chief Search Committee minutes taken by:  Linda Day